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object:1.11 - Works and Sacrifice
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Works and Sacrifice


HE YOGA of the intelligent will and its culmination in the Brahmic status, which occupies all the close of the second chapter, contains the seed of much of the teaching of the Gita, - its doctrine of desireless works, of equality, of the rejection of outward renunciation, of devotion to the Divine; but as yet all this is slight and obscure. What is most strongly emphasised as yet is the withdrawal of the will from the ordinary motive of human activities, desire, from man's normal temperament of the sense-seeking thought and will with its passions and ignorance, and from its customary habit of troubled manybranching ideas and wishes to the desireless calm unity and passionless serenity of the Brahmic poise. So much Arjuna has understood. He is not unfamiliar with all this; it is the substance of the current teaching which points man to the path of knowledge and to the renunciation of life and works as his way of perfection. The intelligence withdrawing from sense and desire and human action and turning to the Highest, to the One, to the actionless Purusha, to the immobile, to the featureless Brahman, that surely is the eternal seed of knowledge. There is no room here for works, since works belong to the Ignorance; action is the very opposite of knowledge; its seed is desire and its fruit is bondage. That is the orthodox philosophical doctrine, and
Krishna seems quite to admit it when he says that works are far inferior to the Yoga of the intelligence. And yet works are insisted upon as part of the Yoga; so that there seems to be in this teaching a radical inconsistency. Not only so; for some kind of work no doubt may persist for a while, the minimum, the most inoffensive; but here is a work wholly inconsistent with knowledge, with serenity and with the motionless peace of the self-delighted soul, - a work terrible, even monstrous, a bloody strife, a ruthless battle, a giant massacre. Yet it is this that is


Essays on the Gita
enjoined, this that it is sought to justify by the teaching of inner peace and desireless equality and status in the Brahman! Here then is an unreconciled contradiction. Arjuna complains that he has been given a contradictory and confusing doctrine, not the clear, strenuously single road by which the human intelligence can move straight and trenchantly to the supreme good. It is in answer to this objection that the Gita begins at once to develop more clearly its positive and imperative doctrine of Works.

The Teacher first makes a distinction between the two means of salvation on which in this world men can concentrate separately, the Yoga of knowledge, the Yoga of works, the one implying, it is usually supposed, renunciation of works as an obstacle to salvation, the other accepting works as a means of salvation. He does not yet insist strongly on any fusion of them, on any reconciliation of the thought that divides them, but begins by showing that the renunciation of the Sankhyas, the physical renunciation, Sannyasa, is neither the only way, nor at all the better way. Nais.karmya, a calm voidness from works, is no doubt that to which the soul, the Purusha has to attain; for it is Prakriti which does the work and the soul has to rise above involution in the activities of the being and attain to a free serenity and poise watching over the operations of Prakriti, but not affected by them. That, and not cessation of the works of Prakriti, is what is really meant by the soul's nais.karmya.

Therefore it is an error to think that by not engaging in any kind of action this actionless state of the soul can be attained and enjoyed. Mere renunciation of works is not a sufficient, not even quite a proper means for salvation. "Not by abstention from works does a man enjoy actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation (of works) does he attain to his perfection," - to siddhi, the accomplishment of the aims of his self-discipline by

But at least it must be one necessary means, indispensable, imperative? For how, if the works of Prakriti continue, can the soul help being involved in them? How can I fight and yet in my soul not think or feel that I the individual am fighting, not desire victory nor be inwardly touched by defeat? This is the teaching of

Works and Sacrifice

the Sankhyas that the intelligence of the man who engages in the activities of Nature, is entangled in egoism, ignorance and desire and therefore drawn to action; on the contrary, if the intelligence draws back, then the action must cease with the cessation of the desire and the ignorance. Therefore the giving up of life and works is a necessary part, an inevitable circumstance and an indispensable last means of the movement to liberation. This objection of a current logic, - it is not expressed by Arjuna, but it is in his mind as the turn of his subsequent utterances shows, - the Teacher immediately anticipates. No, he says, such renunciation, far from being indispensable, is not even possible.

"For none stands even for a moment not doing work; everyone is made to do action helplessly by the modes born of Prakriti."
The strong perception of the great cosmic action and the eternal activity and power of the cosmic energy which was so much emphasised afterwards by the teaching of the Tantric Shaktas who even made Prakriti or Shakti superior to Purusha, is a very remarkable feature of the Gita. Although here an undertone, it is still strong enough, coupled with what we might call the theistic and devotional elements of its thought, to bring in that activism which so strongly modifies in its scheme of Yoga the quietistic tendencies of the old metaphysical Vedanta. Man embodied in the natural world cannot cease from action, not for a moment, not for a second; his very existence here is an action; the whole universe is an act of God, mere living even is His movement.

Our physical life, its maintenance, its continuance is a journey, a pilgrimage of the body, sarra-yatra, and that cannot be effected without action. But even if a man could leave his body unmaintained, otiose, if he could stand still always like a tree or sit inert like a stone, tis.t.hati, that vegetable or material immobility would not save him from the hands of Nature; he would not be liberated from her workings. For it is not our physical movements and activities alone which are meant by works, by karma; our mental existence also is a great complex action, it is even the greater and more important part of the works of the unresting energy, - subjective cause and determinant of the physical. We have gained nothing if we repress the effect but


Essays on the Gita
retain the activity of the subjective cause. The objects of sense are only an occasion for our bondage, the mind's insistence on them is the means, the instrumental cause. A man may control his organs of action and refuse to give them their natural play, but he has gained nothing if his mind continues to remember and dwell upon the objects of sense. Such a man has bewildered himself with false notions of self-discipline; he has not understood its object or its truth, nor the first principles of his subjective existence; therefore all his methods of self-discipline are false and null.1 The body's actions, even the mind's actions are nothing in themselves, neither a bondage, nor the first cause of bondage.

What is vital is the mighty energy of Nature which will have her way and her play in her great field of mind and life and body; what is dangerous in her, is the power of her three, modes or qualities to confuse and bewilder the intelligence and so obscure the soul. That, as we shall see later, is the whole crux of action and liberation for the Gita. Be free from obscuration and bewilderment by the three and action can continue, as it must continue, and even the largest, richest or most enormous and violent action; it does not matter, for nothing then touches the Purusha, the soul has nais.karmya.

But at present the Gita does not proceed to that larger point.

Since the mind is the instrumental cause, since inaction is impossible, what is rational, necessary, the right way is a controlled action of the subjective and objective organism. The mind must bring the senses under its control as an instrument of the intelligent will and then the organs of action must be used for their proper office, for action, but for action done as Yoga. But what is the essence of this self-control, what is meant by action done as Yoga, Karmayoga? It is non-attachment, it is to do works without clinging with the mind to the objects of sense and the fruit of the works. Not complete inaction, which is an error, a confusion, a self-delusion, an impossibility, but action full and
I cannot think that mithyacara means a hypocrite. How is a man a hypocrite who inflicts on himself so severe and complete a privation? He is mistaken and deluded, vimud.hatma, and his acara, his formally regulated method of self-discipline, is a false and vain method, - this surely is all that the Gita means.

Works and Sacrifice

free done without subjection to sense and passion, desireless and unattached works, are the first secret of perfection. Do action thus self-controlled, says Krishna, niyatam kuru karma tvam: I have said that knowledge, the intelligence, is greater than works, jyayas karman.o buddhih., but I did not mean that inaction is greater than action; the contrary is the truth, karma jyayo akarman.ah.. For knowledge does not mean renunciation of works, it means equality and non-attachment to desire and the objects of sense; and it means the poise of the intelligent will in the Soul free and high-uplifted above the lower instrumentation of Prakriti and controlling the works of the mind and the senses and body in the power of self-knowledge and the pure objectless self-delight of spiritual realisation, niyatam karma.2 Buddhiyoga is fulfilled by karmayoga; the Yoga of the self-liberating intelligent will finds its full meaning by the Yoga of desireless works.

Thus the Gita founds its teaching of the necessity of desireless works, nis.kama karma, and unites the subjective practice of the Sankhyas - rejecting their merely physical rule - with the practice of Yoga.

But still there is an essential difficulty unsolved. Desire is the ordinary motive of all human actions, and if the soul is free from desire, then there is no farther rationale for action.

We may be compelled to do certain works for the maintenance of the body, but even that is a subjection to the desire of the body which we ought to get rid of if we are to attain perfection.

But granting that this cannot be done, the only way is to fix a rule for action outside ourselves, not dictated by anything in our subjectivity, the nityakarma of the Vedic rule, the routine
Again, I cannot accept the current interpretation of niyatam karma as if it meant fixed and formal works and were equivalent to the Vedic nityakarma, the regular works of sacrifice, ceremonial and the daily rule of Vedic living. Surely, niyata simply takes up the niyamya of the last verse. Krishna makes a statement, "he who controlling the senses by the mind engages with the organs of action in Yoga of action, he excels," manasa niyamya arabhate karmayogam, and he immediately goes on to draw from the statement an injunction, to sum it up and convert it into a rule. "Do thou do controlled action," niyatam kuru karma tvam: niyatam takes up the niyamya, kuru karma takes up the arabhate karmayogam. Not formal works fixed by an external rule, but desireless works controlled by the liberated buddhi, is the Gita's teaching.


Essays on the Gita
of ceremonial sacrifice, daily conduct and social duty, which the man who seeks liberation may do simply because it is enjoined upon him, without any personal purpose or subjective interest in them, with an absolute indifference to the doing, not because he is compelled by his nature but because it is enjoined by the
Shastra. But if the principle of the action is not to be external to the nature but subjective, if the actions even of the liberated and the sage are to be controlled and determined by his nature, svabhava-niyatam, then the only subjective principle of action is desire of whatever kind, lust of the flesh or emotion of the heart or base or noble aim of the mind, but all subject to the of
Prakriti. Let us then interpret the niyata karma of the Gita as the nityakarma of the Vedic rule, its kartavya karma or work that has to be done as the Aryan rule of social duty and let us take too its work done as a sacrifice to mean simply these Vedic sacrifices and this fixed social duty performed disinterestedly and without any personal object. This is how the Gita's doctrine of desireless work is often interpreted. But it seems to me that the Gita's teaching is not so crude and simple, not so local and temporal and narrow as all that. It is large, free, subtle and profound; it is for all time and for all men, not for a particular age and country.

Especially, it is always breaking free from external forms, details, dogmatic notions and going back to principles and the great facts of our nature and our being. It is a work of large philosophic truth and spiritual practicality, not of constrained religious and philosophical formulas and stereotyped dogmas.

The difficulty is this, how, our nature being what it is and desire the common principle of its action, is it possible to institute a really desireless action? For what we call ordinarily disinterested action is not really desireless; it is simply a replacement of certain smaller personal interests by other larger desires which have only the appearance of being impersonal, virtue, country, mankind. All action, moreover, as Krishna insists, is done by the of Prakriti, by our nature; in acting according to the
Shastra we are still acting according to our nature, - even if this
Shastric action is not, as it usually is, a mere cover for our desires, prejudices, passions, egoisms, our personal, national, sectarian

Works and Sacrifice

vanities, sentiments and preferences; but even otherwise, even at the purest, still we obey a choice of our nature, and if our nature were different and the acted on our intelligence and will in some other combination, we would not accept the Shastra, but live according to our pleasure or our intellectual notions or else break free from the social law to live the life of the solitary or the ascetic. We cannot become impersonal by obeying something outside ourselves, for we cannot so get outside ourselves; we can only do it by rising to the highest in ourselves, into our free Soul and Self which is the same and one in all and has therefore no personal interests, to the Divine in our being who possesses
Himself transcendent of cosmos and is therefore not bound by
His cosmic works or His individual action. That is what the
Gita teaches and desirelessness is only a means to this end, not an aim in itself. Yes, but how is it to be brought about? By doing all works with sacrifice as the only object, is the reply of the divine Teacher. "By doing works otherwise than for sacrifice, this world of men is in bondage to works; for sacrifice practise works, O son of Kunti, becoming free from all attachment." It is evident that all works and not merely sacrifice and social duties can be done in this spirit; any action may be done either from the ego-sense narrow or enlarged or for the sake of the Divine.

All being and all action of Prakriti exist only for the sake of the Divine; from that it proceeds, by that it endures, to that it is directed. But so long as we are dominated by the ego-sense we cannot perceive or act in the spirit of this truth, but act for the satisfaction of the ego and in the spirit of the ego, otherwise than for sacrifice. Egoism is the knot of the bondage. By acting
Godwards, without any thought of ego, we loosen this knot and finally arrive at freedom.

At first, however, the Gita takes up the Vedic statement of the idea of sacrifice and phrases the law of sacrifice in its current terms. This it does with a definite object. We have seen that the quarrel between renunciation and works has two forms, the opposition of Sankhya and Yoga which is already in principle reconciled and the opposition of Vedism and Vedantism which the Teacher has yet to reconcile. The first is a larger statement of


Essays on the Gita
the opposition in which the idea of works is general and wide.

The Sankhya starts from the notion of the divine status as that of the immutable and inactive Purusha which each soul is in reality and makes an opposition between inactivity of Purusha and activity of Prakriti; so its logical culmination is cessation of all works. Yoga starts from the notion of the Divine as Ishwara, lord of the operations of Prakriti and therefore superior to them, and its logical culmination is not cessation of works but the soul's superiority to them and freedom even though doing all works.

In the opposition of Vedism and Vedantism works, karma, are restricted to Vedic works and sometimes even to Vedic sacrifice and ritualised works, all else being excluded as not useful to salvation. Vedism of the Mimansakas insisted on them as the means, Vedantism taking its stand on the Upanishads looked on them as only a preliminary belonging to the state of ignorance and in the end to be overpassed and rejected, an obstacle to the seeker of liberation. Vedism worshipped the Devas, the gods, with sacrifice and held them to be the powers who assist our salvation. Vedantism was inclined to regard them as powers of the mental and material world opposed to our salvation (men, says the Upanishad, are the cattle of the gods, who do not desire man to know and be free); it saw the Divine as the immutable
Brahman who has to be attained not by works of sacrifice and worship but by knowledge. Works only lead to material results and to an inferior Paradise; therefore they have to be renounced.

The Gita resolves this opposition by insisting that the Devas are only forms of the one Deva, the Ishwara, the Lord of all
Yoga and worship and sacrifice and austerity, and if it is true that sacrifice offered to the Devas leads only to material results and to Paradise, it is also true that sacrifice offered to the Ishwara leads beyond them to the great liberation. For the Lord and the immutable Brahman are not two different beings, but one and the same Being, and whoever strives towards either, is striving towards that one divine Existence. All works in their totality find their culmination and completeness in the knowledge of the
Divine, sarvam karmakhilam partha jnane parisamapyate. They are not an obstacle, but the way to the supreme knowledge.

Works and Sacrifice


Thus this opposition too is reconciled with the help of a large elucidation of the meaning of sacrifice. In fact its conflict is only a restricted form of the larger opposition between Yoga and
Sankhya. Vedism is a specialised and narrow form of Yoga; the principle of the Vedantists is identical with that of the Sankhyas, for to both the movement of salvation is the recoil of the intelligence, the buddhi, from the differentiating powers of Nature, from ego, mind, senses, from the subjective and the objective, and its return to the undifferentiated and the immutable. It is with this object of reconciliation in his mind that the Teacher first approaches his statement of the doctrine of sacrifice; but throughout, even from the very beginning, he keeps his eye not on the restricted Vedic sense of sacrifice and works, but on their larger and universal application, - that widening of narrow and formal notions to admit the great general truths they unduly restrict which is always the method of the Gita.

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Wikipedia - List of palaces in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of palaces in Rajasthan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of palaces -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of royal palaces -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Livadia Palace
Wikipedia - Ludwigsburg Palace -- Palace in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Wikipedia - Luzhniki Palace of Sports -- Sporting arena in Moscow
Wikipedia - Machaerus -- Hilltop palace in Jordan
Wikipedia - Mafra National Palace
Wikipedia - Makedonia Palace -- Hotel in Thessaloniki, Greece
Wikipedia - MalacaM-CM-1ang Palace -- Official residence and principal workplace of the President of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Malachite Room of the Winter Palace -- Room of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Wikipedia - Manik Bagh -- Palace in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Marble Palace (Kolkata)
Wikipedia - Mariyinsky Palace
Wikipedia - Mattancherry Palace -- Palace at Mattancherry built by Portughese
Wikipedia - Mayor of the Palace
Wikipedia - Mayor of the palace
Wikipedia - Mayors of the Palace
Wikipedia - Mechouar -- Public square or area of a palace in North Africa
Wikipedia - Megasport Sport Palace -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - MeM-EM->otne Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Merdeka Palace -- Official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Mikhailovsky Palace -- Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Minor Radvilos Palace -- Palace in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Mnebhi Palace -- Palace in Fes, Morocco
Wikipedia - Montaza Palace -- Architectural structure in Alexandria, Egypt
Wikipedia - Morzin Palace -- Building in Prague
Wikipedia - Movie palace -- Type of movie theater
Wikipedia - Mshatta Facade -- Facade of Umayyad palace, now in Berlin
Wikipedia - MS Zeus Palace -- Italian ferry
Wikipedia - Museum of King John III's Palace at Wilanw
Wikipedia - Mysore Palace -- Historical palace in Mysore, Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - National Palace (Guatemala) -- Government building in Guatemala
Wikipedia - National Palace (Haiti) -- Former official residence of the President of Haiti
Wikipedia - National Palace Museum
Wikipedia - National Palace of Culture
Wikipedia - Natore Rajbari -- Royal palace in Natore, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Neermahal -- Palace built by the king of Tripura
Wikipedia - Neuschwanstein Castle -- Palace in Bavaria, Germany
Wikipedia - New Castle (Hechingen) -- Nineteenth century palace in Hechingen in Germany
Wikipedia - New Palace, Kolhapur -- Palace in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - New Palace (Potsdam) -- German palace
Wikipedia - New York Crystal Palace -- former exhibition building in New York City
Wikipedia - Niavaran Complex -- Iranian palace and historic site
Wikipedia - Nieborow Palace -- Historic building in Poland
Wikipedia - Nymphenburg Palace Park -- Park of Nymphenburg Palace in Munich
Wikipedia - Oink's Pink Palace
Wikipedia - Old Palace (York) -- Grade I listed building in York, England
Wikipedia - Old Royal Palace
Wikipedia - Old Summer Palace
Wikipedia - Orangery Palace -- Palace in Potsdam, Germany
Wikipedia - Oskar Schoen's Palace (Sosnowiec) -- Palace in Sosnowiec city in Poland
Wikipedia - Otford Palace -- Palace in Kent, England
Wikipedia - Paghman Hill Castle -- Palace in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Painted Chamber -- Part of the medieval Palace of Westminster, London, England
Wikipedia - Palace & Main -- 2005 song by Kent
Wikipedia - Palace East railway station -- Station and railway network junction in Ireland
Wikipedia - Palace economy
Wikipedia - Palaceer Lazaro
Wikipedia - Palace Hotel, Buxton -- Listed building in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Palace Hotel Residential Tower -- Proposed residential skyscraper in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Palace House Stakes -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Palace letters -- Documents relating to the dismissal of Gough Whitlam
Wikipedia - Palace Museum -- Museum in the Forbidden City, Beijing
Wikipedia - Palace of Aachen
Wikipedia - Palace of Blachernae -- Former palace in Constantinople
Wikipedia - Palace of Ceremonies (Novocherkassk) -- Building of Don Soviet Republic, Russia
Wikipedia - Palace of Culture (Messina)
Wikipedia - Palace of De Boure -- Historic palace of the 19th century in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Palace Office (Oman)
Wikipedia - Palace of Fine Arts -- Monumental structure in San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Palace of Fontainebleau
Wikipedia - Palace of Inquisition
Wikipedia - Palace of Maffei Marescotti
Wikipedia - Palace of Mafra -- Palace in Lisbon
Wikipedia - Palace of Marivent -- Spanish royal family summer residence
Wikipedia - Palace of Moncloa -- Residence of the Prime Minister of Spain
Wikipedia - Palace of Nations -- Building in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Palace of Peace and Reconciliation -- Landmark event venue and spiritual centre in Astana
Wikipedia - Palace of Placentia -- English royal palace at Greenwich
Wikipedia - Palace of Queen Arwa
Wikipedia - Palace of Queluz -- 18th-century Rococo Portuguese palace in Lisbon
Wikipedia - Palace of Serbia -- Historic building in Belgrade, Serbia
Wikipedia - Palace of Shaki Khans
Wikipedia - Palace of the Babies -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - Palace of the Golden Gate -- Abbasid Caliphal palace
Wikipedia - Palace of the Governor of Khulbuk -- Ancient palace in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - Palace of the Holy Office
Wikipedia - Palace of the Parliament -- Multi-purpose building in Romania
Wikipedia - Palace of the Popes in Anagni
Wikipedia - Palace of the Republic, Banja Luka -- Official building in Banja Luka (Bosnia)
Wikipedia - Palace of the Shirvanshahs
Wikipedia - Palace of the Silver Princess
Wikipedia - Palace of the Soviets -- Planned governmental building in Moscow, 1930s
Wikipedia - Palace of Versailles -- French palace on the outskirts of Paris
Wikipedia - Palace of Westminster -- meeting place of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Palace of Whitehall -- building in the City of Westminster, London
Wikipedia - Palace on the Isle
Wikipedia - Palace Revolt of 1912 -- Failed uprising in Siam
Wikipedia - Palaces (film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Palace Shield -- Cricket league in Preston, England
Wikipedia - Palace Skateboards -- British skateboard brand & shop
Wikipedia - Palace Station -- Casino hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
Wikipedia - Palacete Los Moreau -- House museum located in Moca, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Palace Theater (Hilo, Hawaii) -- Historic Place in Hawaii County, Hawaii
Wikipedia - Palace Theatre, Manchester
Wikipedia - Palace Theatre (New York City) -- Broadway theater in Midtown Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Palace Theatre (Silverton, Oregon) -- Theatre in Silverton, Oregon, U.S.
Wikipedia - Palace Tomb -- Tomb in Jordan
Wikipedia - Palace -- Grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of a head of state
Wikipedia - Palacio de MidM-CM-5es -- Palace in the village of MidM-CM-5es, Portugal
Wikipedia - Palacio de Mineria -- Palace in Mexico
Wikipedia - Palacio dos Condes da Guarda, Cascais -- historic palace with a museum about the history of Cascais, Portugal
Wikipedia - Palais d'Antoniadis -- Palace in Alexandria, Egypt
Wikipedia - Palais Ficquelmont -- Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya -- Historic palace and current government building in Barcelona, Spain
Wikipedia - Palazzo Cavriani, Mantua -- Palace in Mantua, Italy
Wikipedia - Palazzo dei Normanni -- Palace in Palermo, Italy
Wikipedia - Palazzo della Provincia e della Prefettura -- Public palace of Perugia
Wikipedia - Palazzo Donini -- Italian palace
Wikipedia - Palazzo Foscari (Giudecca 795) -- Gothic-style palace on the Giudecca island, Venice, Italy
Wikipedia - Palazzo Genovese, Venice -- Italian palace
Wikipedia - Palazzo Magnani, Bologna -- Renaissance palace in central Bologna
Wikipedia - Palazzo Pesaro Orfei -- Historic palace in Venice, Italy
Wikipedia - Palazzo Pitti -- Renaissance palace and museum in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Palazzo Sacchetti -- Palace in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Palmela Palace -- 19th century summer residence in Cascais, Lisbon District, Portugal
Wikipedia - Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo
Wikipedia - Peace Palace Library -- Collection of studies in international law in The Hague, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Peace Palace -- International law administrative building in The Hague, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Pearl Palace -- Iranian national heritage site
Wikipedia - Peterhof Palace
Wikipedia - Pharnaces (son of Arsames) -- Mayor of the palace to Achaemenid King Darius I and satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia (c. 565 BCE-497 BCE)
Wikipedia - Pineda Palace -- Neoclassical building of Valencia
Wikipedia - Plered -- Location of former Javanese palace in Bantul, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Podmoskovie Ice Palace -- ice hockey arena in Voskresensk, Moscow Oblast
Wikipedia - Pope Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Potala Palace
Wikipedia - Prabhupada's Palace of Gold
Wikipedia - Presidential Palace, Naypyidaw -- Offiicial residence of Myanmar head of state
Wikipedia - Presidential Palace, Warsaw -- Residence of the President of Poland
Wikipedia - Presidential Palace, Zagreb -- Official workplace of the President of Croatia
Wikipedia - Prince-Bishops' Palace (Liege) -- Historic building in the centre of Liege, Belgium
Wikipedia - Prince's Palace of Monaco -- Official residence of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco
Wikipedia - Princess Academy: Palace of Stone -- 2012 fantasy novel by Shannon Hale
Wikipedia - Princess in the Palace -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Priory Palace
Wikipedia - Project of Filippo Juvarra for the Royal Palace of Madrid -- First project for the Royal Palace of Madrid
Wikipedia - Pruzhany Palace -- Museum in the Belarus province of Brest Voblast
Wikipedia - Qasr Al Watan -- The UAE Presidential Palace
Wikipedia - Qishlah -- Palace in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Quirinale Palace
Wikipedia - Quirinal Palace -- Official residence of the President of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Raphael Rooms -- Suite of reception rooms in the Palace of the Vatican painted by Raphael and his workshop between 1509 and 1524
Wikipedia - Ras El Tin Palace -- Building in Egypt
Wikipedia - Razumovski Palace (Baturyn) -- Palace in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Rhopalocarpus lucidus -- species of plant in the family Sphaerosepalaceae
Wikipedia - Rhopalocarpus -- species of plant in the family Sphaerosepalaceae
Wikipedia - Rova of Antananarivo -- A royal palace complex in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Royal Palace of Amsterdam -- Palace on Dam Square in the centre of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Royal Palace of Kandy
Wikipedia - Royal Palace of Madrid -- Official residence of the Spanish Royal Family
Wikipedia - Royal Plaza (Bangkok) -- Public square in palace and government quarter of Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Rucellai Palace
Wikipedia - Rustkammeret -- Army Museum, World War II museum in Archbishop's Palace, Trondheim
Wikipedia - Ruzhany Palace
Wikipedia - Ryongsong Residence -- North Korean presidential palace
Wikipedia - Sanctuary of Peninha -- Baroque chapel and 20th Century palace near Sintra, Portugal
Wikipedia - Savoia Excelsior Palace -- Hotel in Trieste, Italy
Wikipedia - Schloss Oettingen -- Palace in Oettingen, Bavaria, Germany
Wikipedia - Schon Palace (Sosnowiec) -- The main palace in the Schon Palace and Park Complex in Srodula in Sosnowiec in Poland
Wikipedia - Seeb Palace -- Royal palace in Oman
Wikipedia - Seiyun Palace -- Building in Yemen
Wikipedia - Shabazz Palaces
Wikipedia - Shervashidze Palace -- Palace ruins in Lykhny, Georgia
Wikipedia - Shirvanshah's Palace Mausoleum -- Historical monument of the XV century in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Shoe Palace Pinkus -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Singha Durbar -- Palace in Kathmandu, Nepal
Wikipedia - Sistine Chapel -- Chapel in the Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Wikipedia - SnM-DM-^Spele Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Sponza Palace -- 16th century palace in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Wikipedia - Sri Moolam Thirunal Palace -- Building in India
Wikipedia - Stadtpalais Liechtenstein -- Palace in Vienna
Wikipedia - State Kremlin Palace -- Building inside the Kremlin, originally built for Soviet Communist Party meetings
Wikipedia - St Davids Bishops Palace -- Ruined medieval palace; adjacent to St Davids Cathedral
Wikipedia - St James's Palace Stakes -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - St. James's Palace
Wikipedia - St James's Palace -- Royal palace in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Stameriena Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Story of Yanxi Palace -- 2018 Chinese period drama
Wikipedia - Strangers' Bar -- Bar in the Palace of Westminster
Wikipedia - Sultan Palace (Patna) -- Elaborate house in Patna, India
Wikipedia - Sultan's Palace, Zanzibar -- Museum in Zanzibar
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace Fights 10 -- Tachi Palace Fights MMA event in 2011
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace Fights 7 -- Tachi Palace Fights MMA event in 2010
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace Fights 8 -- Tachi Palace Fights MMA event in 2011
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace Fights 9 -- Tachi Palace Fights MMA event in 2011
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace Fights -- MMA promoter based in Lemoore, California
Wikipedia - Tachi Palace -- Casino in California
Wikipedia - Tajbeg Palace -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Taj Mahal Palace Hotel -- Five-star hotel in Colaba, Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Taj Palace -- Historical Abbasid Caliphal palace
Wikipedia - Tauride Palace -- Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Tbilisi Sports Palace -- An indoor sports arena situated in Tbilisi, Georgia
Wikipedia - Tel Kabri -- Tell containing one of the largest Middle Bronze Age Canaanite palaces in ancient Palestine
Wikipedia - The 2nd Workers' Cultural Palace station -- Guangzhou Metro station
Wikipedia - The Badger Palace -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - The boy Jones -- teenage intruder into Buckingham Palace
Wikipedia - The Crystal Palace -- Former building originally in Hyde Park, London, 1854 relocated to Sydenham, South London
Wikipedia - The Golden Palace -- US TV sitcom
Wikipedia - The Hall of the Saints (Pinturicchio) -- Room in the Borgia Apartment of the Vatican Palace
Wikipedia - The Haunted Palace (poem) -- 1839 poem written by Edgar Allan Poe
Wikipedia - The Haunted Palace
Wikipedia - The Ice Palace (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - The King of Chudong Palace -- 1983 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts -- Indian luxury hotel chain
Wikipedia - The Maid at the Palace -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Memory Palace
Wikipedia - The Palace and the Fortress -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Palace (computer program)
Wikipedia - The Palace of Angels -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Palace of Art
Wikipedia - The Palace of Auburn Hills -- Arena in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - The Palace of Memories -- Painting by RenM-CM-) Magritte
Wikipedia - The Palace of Pleasure (film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Puzzle Palace (book)
Wikipedia - The Silences of the Palace
Wikipedia - Thurayya Palace -- Abbasid Caliphal palace
Wikipedia - Tokyo Imperial Palace -- Usual residence of the Emperor of Japan
Wikipedia - Topkapi Palace -- Palace museum in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Touqan Palace -- Historical building in Nablus
Wikipedia - Trade Union Sport Palace -- indoor sporting arena in Nizhny Novgorod
Wikipedia - Tsuklakhang Palace
Wikipedia - United Palace -- Theater in Manhattan, New York City, US
Wikipedia - VarakM-DM- -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Vatican Palace
Wikipedia - Victoria Tower -- Tallest tower of the Palace of Westminster in London, England
Wikipedia - Villa Marchese del Grillo -- Palace in Ancona, Marche, Italy
Wikipedia - Vimana -- Ancient flying palaces or chariots described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics
Wikipedia - VM-DM-^Srgale Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - Watford Palace Theatre -- theatre and cinema in Watford, Hertfordshire, England
Wikipedia - West Gate of Summer Palace station -- Beijing Subway light rail station
Wikipedia - Westminster Palace Hotel -- Luxury hotel in Victorian London
Wikipedia - Winchester Palace -- Twelfth-century palace in London
Wikipedia - Winter Palace -- Historic building in St. Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Yantarny Sports Palace -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Ziade Palace -- 19th-century grand mansion located in Beirut's Zokak el-Blat quarter.,_London_-_Feb_2007.jpg
dedroidify.blogspot - underground-lsd-palace-mini-documentary
Dharmapedia - File:Old_narayanhiti_palace.jpg,_London_-_September_2006.jpg
The Golden Palace (1992 - 1993) - Spin off of The Golden Girls, featuring Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty, following Bea Arthur's departure in 1992 (Bea made an appearance on the Golden Palace in 1992). Only one season was made.
The Hollywood Palace (1962 - 1970) - ABC TV Network Saturday Nights 1962-1970. A variety show featuring well known performers and top variety acts..taped before a live audience at the former El Capitan TV Theater. Hosted by a guest performer.
Palace Guard (1991 - 1992) - After three years in prison, legendary jewel thief Tommy Logan (played by D.W. Moffett) is released on parole and hired, because of his criminal expertise, as a security expert by Arturo Taft (Tony LoBianco), owner of the world wide ultra luxurious Palace Hotel chain.
Sagwa: The Chinese Siamese Cat (2001 - 2002) - Sagwa resides in the palace of a magistrate in China of pre-colonial Hong Kong (possibly during the Qing, as shown by the characters' clothes), part of a royal family of cats who have the ability to write with their tails. She and her siblings, along with various other cats and Fu-Fu the bat partake...
Aladdin(1992) - Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in Agrabah, a large and busy town with his faithful monkey friend Abu. When Princess Jasmine gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city, she sneaks out to the marketplace, where she accidentally meets Aladdin. Under the orders of t...
The Return of Jafar(1994) - Aladdin is adjusting to his new life as part of the upper crust. He and Princess Jasmine may not be married yet, but the pressures of palace society have already begun. On top of that, Iago (the parrot pet of Sultan's ex-vizir turned genie, Jafar) appears asking for help and no one is happy to see h...
Coraline(2009) - Coraline Jones moves with her mother and father from her comfortable life in Pontiac, Michigan to the Pink Palace, a dilapidated three-bedroom apartment building in Ashland, Oregon, which is also occupied by retired actresses Misses Spink and Forcible, and eccentric Russian acrobat Mr. Bobinsky. Wit...
White Palace(1990) - A wealthy 27 year old advertising executive(James Spader)has a passionate affair with a 40 something fast food waitress(Susan Sarandon).The couples differences in age and differences in class backgrounds eventually causes problems.
Phil Collins: Live At Perkins Palace(1983) - Phil Collins plays at Perkins Palace on his 1982 "Hello, I Must Be Going" tour, his first solo tour. His backup band features Genesis band mates Daryl Steurmer and Chester Thompson, and the famous Earth, Wind, & Fire horns.
Brokedown Palace(1999) - Two women are arrested for smuggling while vacationing in Thailand.
Stripteaser II(1997) - Out among the flesh peddlers and the vice palaces of the Sunset Strip, street-tough cabdriver Rick is looking for his kid sister. A few weeks back she vanished into the neon lit world of LA's steamiest strip clubs. His search for his sister becomes more desperate as he discovers a dark world of powe...
Stripteaser(1995) - As Zipper's Clown Palace (a strip bar) closes, Neil wanders in and decides to hold the dancers, bartender, and remaining customers hostage. He torments them with little tasks he wants performed, playing on their weaknesses and relying on his gun for intimidation. Eventually the hostages begin formul...
The Haunted Palace(1963) - Charles Dexter Ward arrives at a small village to visit the house he inherited from his ancestor who died there 100 years ago.
Pokmon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew(2005) - In the legendary past, an aura-guiding hero Pokemon named Lucario sansed the presence of two armies who were about to fight at Cameron Palace in Kanto. Lucario's master Sir Aaron runs away from the kingdom while it's people fight the war and go to the Tree of Beginning. Abandoning the queen, Sir Aar...
Princess of the Nile(1954) - Debra Paget is Princess Shalimar who is also known outside the palace as the popular dancer Taura. She struggles to help her people against the forces of Rama Khan and his army. Only with the help of Prince Haidi (Jeffery Hunter) and some allies can the war be ended.
Barry Manilow: The Concert At Blenheim Palace(1984) - This special documents a British concert by singer/songwriter Barry Manilow.
Ice Palace(1960) - After WW1, Zeb and Thor start a cannery business in Alaska but eventually they drift apart with Zeb becoming unscrupulous and Thor becoming involved in Alaskan politics.
Cinderella (2015)(2015) - After her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella (Lily James) finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters, who reduce her to scullery maid. Despite her circumstances, she refuses to despair. An invitation to a palace ball gives Ella hope that she might reunite w...
Aladdin (2019)(2019) - Aladdin is a lovable street urchin who meets Princess Jasmine, the beautiful daughter of the sultan of Agrabah. While visiting her exotic palace, Aladdin stumbles upon a magic oil lamp that unleashes a powerful, wisecracking, larger-than-life genie. As Aladdin and the genie start to become friends,...
Rags(2012) - Charlie Prince is an orphan living in his late mother's old karaoke bar, The Palace, which she willed to his acerbic and unloving stepfather Arthur. Arthur makes Charlie do most of the work cleaning the bar; the other employees, couple Diego and Martha, love Charlie like their own son while his step...
Hotel Mumbai(2018) - Terror strikes in the heart of Mumbai, India, as members of Lashkar-e-Taiba storm the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in a series of coordinated attacks throughout the city. Amid the gunfire and mayhem, a brave chef and kitchen worker decide to risk their own lives to try and protect the frightened guests. A...
A Little Chaos (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 26 June 2015 (USA) -- Two talented landscape artists become romantically entangled while building a garden in King Louis XIV's palace at Versailles. Director: Alan Rickman Writers: Jeremy Brock (screenplay), Alison Deegan | 1 more credit
Bordertown ::: Sorjonen (original tit ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162020) -- Quirky police detective, in Finland, delves into his mind palace to solve despicable crimes all the while trying to keep his family together. If Sherlock was based in Finland this would be it. Creator:
Brokedown Palace (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 13 August 1999 (USA) -- Two women are arrested for smuggling while vacationing in Thailand. Director: Jonathan Kaplan Writers: Adam Fields (story), David Arata (story) | 1 more credit
Hara-Kiri (1962) ::: 8.6/10 -- Seppuku (original title) -- Hara-Kiri Poster When a ronin requesting seppuku at a feudal lord's palace is told of the brutal suicide of another ronin who previously visited, he reveals how their pasts are intertwined - and in doing so challenges the clan's integrity. Director: Masaki Kobayashi Writers: Yasuhiko Takiguchi (novel), Shinobu Hashimoto (screenplay)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Action, Adventure | 23 May 1984 (USA) -- In 1935, Indiana Jones arrives in India, still part of the British Empire, and is asked to find a mystical stone. He then stumbles upon a secret cult committing enslavement and human sacrifices in the catacombs of an ancient palace. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers:
Phantom of the Paradise (1974) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 1 November 1974 (USA) -- A disfigured composer sells his soul for the woman he loves so that she will perform his music. However, an evil record tycoon betrays him and steals his music to open his rock palace, The Paradise. Director: Brian De Palma Writer:
The Egyptian (1954) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 2h 19min | Biography, Drama, History | 17 December 1954 -- The Egyptian Poster In ancient Egypt, a poor orphan becomes a genial physician and is eventually appointed at the Pharaoh's court where he witnesses palace intrigues and learns dangerous royal secrets. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: Philip Dunne (screen play), Casey Robinson (screen play) | 1 more credit
The Emperor's Club (2002) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Drama | 22 November 2002 (USA) -- An idealistic prep school teacher attempts to redeem an incorrigible student. Director: Michael Hoffman Writers: Ethan Canin (short story "The Palace Thief"), Neil Tolkin (screenplay)
The Haunted Palace (1963) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Horror | 18 March 1965 (Italy) -- Charles Dexter Ward arrives at a small village to visit the house he inherited from his ancestor who died there 100 years ago. Director: Roger Corman Writers: Charles Beaumont (screenplay by), Edgar Allan Poe (from the poem by) (as Edgar Allen Poe) | 1 more credit Stars:
The King (2019) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Biography, Drama, History | 1 November 2019 (USA) -- Hal, wayward prince and heir to the English throne, is crowned King Henry V after his tyrannical father dies. Now the young king must navigate palace politics, the war his father left behind, and the emotional strings of his past life. Director: David Michd Writers:
Versailles ::: TV-MA | 52min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2015-2018) Episode Guide 30 episodes Versailles Poster -- In 1667, 28-year-old all-powerful king of France, Louis XIV, decides to build the greatest palace in the world - Versailles. But drained budget, affairs and political intrigues complicate things. Creators:
Versailles ::: TV-MA | 52min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (20152018) -- In 1667, 28-year-old all-powerful king of France, Louis XIV, decides to build the greatest palace in the world - Versailles. But drained budget, affairs and political intrigues complicate things. Creators:
White Palace (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance | 26 October 1990 (USA) -- Lust turns to love for a 40-ish working-class woman and a 20-ish yuppie adman with little in common. Director: Luis Mandoki Writers: Glenn Savan (novel), Ted Tally (screenplay) | 1 more credit's_Bingo_Palace's_Tiki_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace,_Rising_Of_The_Millennium_Palace_&_Dawn_Of_A_New_Kingdom_In_The_Universe'Xzoi'Lugannon_Palace's_Ghostly_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_ice_palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Unisex_Hair_Palace's_Monster_Time_Pizza_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace/Legends's_Tale's_palace's_Palace's_palace's_Palace's_Palace's_throne_room_(Imperial_Palace)'s_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace/Legends's_Palace_Limited's_Palace_Sealed_Deck's_palace"Lapti_Nek"_The_Music_Video_from_Jabba's_Palace"Lapti_Nek":_The_Music_Video_from_Jabba's_Palace's_Palace_(Clone_Wars)'s_Palace_(Clone_Wars)/Legends's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace's_Palace)'s_palace's_Palace's_Palace/Legends,_NY_-_Palace_Theatre's_Palace's_Eternal_Palace'Shan_Palace'shan_Palace
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Romance Drama Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- Although her name means "snow white," Shirayuki is a cheerful, red-haired girl living in the country of Tanbarun who works diligently as an apothecary at her herbal shop. Her life changes drastically when she is noticed by the silly prince of Tanbarun, Prince Raji, who then tries to force her to become his concubine. Unwilling to give up her freedom, Shirayuki cuts her long red hair and escapes into the forest, where she is rescued from Raji by Zen Wistalia, the second prince of a neighboring country, and his two aides. Hoping to repay her debt to the trio someday, Shirayuki sets her sights on pursuing a career as the court herbalist in Zen's country, Clarines. -- -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 485,510 7.78
Aragne no Mushikago -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Horror Mystery -- Aragne no Mushikago Aragne no Mushikago -- Life could be better for shy, anxious university student Rin. The apartment she has rented is hardly the sunny palace the rental listings suggested. The housing complex is rundown, grim and haunted by troubled souls lurking in dark corners. Ghastly crimes are occurring in the vicinity. And a grinning stranger makes his unsettling presence known. -- -- Beyond all this, Rin is coming to realize that something even more sinister is manifesting itself, something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity and medical science. Determined to find out more, Rin visits the library, where she meets a sympathetic young staffer. But what she learns does not begin to put her mind at ease. -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- Movie - Aug 18, 2018 -- 2,910 5.13
Egao no Daika -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Military Slice of Life Drama Fantasy Mecha -- Egao no Daika Egao no Daika -- On a planet far from Earth, there is a kingdom full of smiling faces. Princess Yuuki is 12 years old, and about to enter a sensitive age in a person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and sometimes, her heart throbs with excitement. All the while, she lives merrily in the royal palace. -- -- Filling her days are her loyal vassals: her tutor Reira, Izana who assists in political affairs, the leader of the chivalry Harold … and then there is her childhood friend and aide Joshua. -- -- "Yuuki! If you have spirit and guts, you can do anything!" -- -- "…No, not this again! Joshua, be nobler!" -- -- Stella is 17 years old and a capable, reserved soldier. However, she is always smiling ... for smiling is essential to living. -- -- This is a story of two girls born on distant planets. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 31,621 6.06
Free! (Movie) -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Sports Drama School -- Free! (Movie) Free! (Movie) -- At the end of final episode of Free! Dive to the Future, the movie was announced to premiere in Summer 2020. It has now been postponed to 2021. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,274 N/AUzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/ALost Song -- -- Dwango, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Lost Song Lost Song -- Lost Song tells the stories of the cheerful Rin and the reserved Finis, two songstresses who are capable of performing magical songs. Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret, while Finis lives and performs in the royal palace. -- -- Rin's happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured knight named Henry Leobort with her song of healing. She was seen by soldiers who proceeded to attack her village in hopes of capturing her. With nowhere else to go, she and her inventor brother Al begin a journey to the capital. -- -- Finis finds herself falling in love with Henry and, knowing that the greedy and spiteful Prince Lood Bernstein IV desires her, must hide their relationship. She wants to help people with her songs, but with war on the horizon, she worries that Lood will order her to cast her magic in the battlefield. Only time will tell how her destiny and Rin's will intersect, as the two of them struggle to find their paths. -- -- 33,037 6.99
Guin Saga -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy -- Guin Saga Guin Saga -- The ancient kingdom of Parros has been invaded by the armies of Mongaul, and its king and queen have been slain. But the "twin pearls of Parros," the princess Rinda and the prince Remus, escape using a strange device hidden in the palace. Lost in Roodwood, they are rescued from Mongaul soldiers by a strange leopard-headed man, who has no memories except for the words "Aurra" and "Guin," which he believes to be his name. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 38,640 7.19
Kingdom 2nd Season -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Historical Seinen -- Kingdom 2nd Season Kingdom 2nd Season -- A year after the devastating battle against the formidable Zhao, the State of Qin has returned its focus to pursuing King Ying Zheng's ambition of conquering the other six states and unifying China. Their next target is Wei, a smaller state which stands as a geographic stepping stone for the sake of conquest. -- -- Li Xin, now a three hundred man commander of the swiftly rising Fei Xin Unit, continues to seek out lofty achievements in order to garner recognition for himself and his soldiers, motivated by those previously lost in battle. In the preliminary battles ahead of Qin's invasion of Wei, Xin finds competition in other young commanders who are of a higher social status than him. Back in Qin, the royal palace faces turmoil as opposing factions begin to make their move against Ying Zheng's regime. -- -- With their hands full both abroad and at home, Zheng and Xin must lead the way in this era of unending war, resolved to etch their names in history by creating a unified China. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 82,402 8.38
Kingdom -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 38 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Military Seinen -- Kingdom Kingdom -- China’s Warring States period, a raging dragon that would raze the land for 500 years, saw many kingdoms rise and fall, making way for the next generation of kings and generals to fight for supremacy. Eventually, seven powerful states emerged from the endless cycle of warfare. -- -- In the kingdom of Qin, Li Xin, a war-orphaned slave, trains vigorously with fellow slave and best friend, Piao, who shares his proud dream of one day becoming a Great General of the Heavens. However, the two are suddenly forced to part ways when Piao is recruited to work in the royal palace by a retainer of the King. -- -- After a fierce coup d'état unfolds, Piao returns to Xin, half dead, with a mission that will lead him to a meeting with China's young King, Ying Zheng, who bears a striking resemblance to Piao. Kingdom follows Xin as he takes his first steps into the great blood-soaked pages of China's history. He must carve his own path to glory on his long quest to become a Great General of the historic Seven Warring States. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 140,915 8.03
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 54 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Super Power Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyattou Ninden Teyandee Kyattou Ninden Teyandee -- Kyattou Ninden Teyande takes place in the city of Little Tokyo, a meld of feudal and modern Japanese culture, whose citizens are walking, talking animals. -- -- When the head palace guard catches wind that the corrupt prime minister Seymour Cheese decides to become emperor and take over Little Tokyo, he knows that only one group can save Little Tokyo: the owners of a local pizza joint, the Pizza Cats! Serving delicious pizza by day, this trio's true occupation is meowvelous warriors of justice! The Samurai Pizza Cats will do whatever it takes to protect Little Tokyo! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Saban Entertainment -- 11,066 7.04
Lost Song -- -- Dwango, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Lost Song Lost Song -- Lost Song tells the stories of the cheerful Rin and the reserved Finis, two songstresses who are capable of performing magical songs. Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret, while Finis lives and performs in the royal palace. -- -- Rin's happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured knight named Henry Leobort with her song of healing. She was seen by soldiers who proceeded to attack her village in hopes of capturing her. With nowhere else to go, she and her inventor brother Al begin a journey to the capital. -- -- Finis finds herself falling in love with Henry and, knowing that the greedy and spiteful Prince Lood Bernstein IV desires her, must hide their relationship. She wants to help people with her songs, but with war on the horizon, she worries that Lood will order her to cast her magic in the battlefield. Only time will tell how her destiny and Rin's will intersect, as the two of them struggle to find their paths. -- -- 33,037 6.99
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine Movie -- -- Tear Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Historical Seinen Slice of Life -- Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine Movie Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine Movie -- The four princes of Grannzreich—Kai, Bruno, Leonhard, and Licht— continue to compete for the right to their kingdom's throne under the guidance of their beloved royal tutor, the competent yet childlike Heine Wittgenstein. -- -- One day, during a political visit to Grannzreich, the king of the neighboring Romano Kingdom arrives at the royal palace with his twin sons, Ivan and Eugene. In the hopes of befriending the twins, Heine and the four princes meet their visitors, but their efforts are thwarted instantly when the two twin princes declare that they refuse to address those who will never reach the throne. Dispersing the tension between the boys, Heine reveals that he, upon their father King Victor von Grannzreich's request, will be tutoring the Romano princes alongside the Grannzreichs for the duration of their stay, in hopes of strengthening the future relations between the two kingdoms. -- -- Movie - Feb 16, 2019 -- 16,223 7.30
Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- A long time ago, the people of Camaron Palace found themselves on the brink of destruction. Fortunately, they escaped it when Sir Aaron, the True Guardian of Aura, saved them. He sacrificed himself to stop a war between kingdoms. From that day on, a tournament is held every year to commemorate his noble deed. -- -- Satoshi, a budding Pokemon trainer from Kanto, manages to win the latest tournament and is allowed to wield a staff said to have belonged to Sir Aaron himself. Lucario, the Aura Pokemon—who is also the servant of the True Guardian—emerges from the staff. However, remembering his last memory of his master abandoning him, Lucario runs away in confusion. -- -- Meanwhile, Pikachu, Satoshi's companion, is abruptly taken by a Pokemon named Mew to the legendary Tree of Beginning. Only Lucario knows the way there, but he is unwilling to trust humans after his master's betrayal. Even so, to save his partner, Satoshi and his companions must acquire all the help they need and travel to the Tree of Beginning, unfolding hidden truths from centuries ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 16, 2005 -- 91,291 7.30
Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- A long time ago, the people of Camaron Palace found themselves on the brink of destruction. Fortunately, they escaped it when Sir Aaron, the True Guardian of Aura, saved them. He sacrificed himself to stop a war between kingdoms. From that day on, a tournament is held every year to commemorate his noble deed. -- -- Satoshi, a budding Pokemon trainer from Kanto, manages to win the latest tournament and is allowed to wield a staff said to have belonged to Sir Aaron himself. Lucario, the Aura Pokemon—who is also the servant of the True Guardian—emerges from the staff. However, remembering his last memory of his master abandoning him, Lucario runs away in confusion. -- -- Meanwhile, Pikachu, Satoshi's companion, is abruptly taken by a Pokemon named Mew to the legendary Tree of Beginning. Only Lucario knows the way there, but he is unwilling to trust humans after his master's betrayal. Even so, to save his partner, Satoshi and his companions must acquire all the help they need and travel to the Tree of Beginning, unfolding hidden truths from centuries ago. -- -- Movie - Jul 16, 2005 -- 91,291 7.30
Saiunkoku Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari Saiunkoku Monogatari -- Shuurei Kou, the daughter of a noble yet impoverished family, is a clever young lady who dreams of becoming a government official and contributing toward her country. However, her dream is out of her reach as such a position is forbidden to women. While her father works a low wage job as an archivist at the palace, Shuurei has to juggle odd jobs to make ends meet. Then, one day, an unexpected visit changes her life. -- -- Shuurei is called to assist Ryuuki Shi, the new emperor who is known for slacking on his duties and preferring the company of men. Tempted by the generous compensation, she readily accepts the chance to become the young emperor's consort for six months. Luckily, she is not alone as Seiran Shi, her trusty friend, joins her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. While tasked with transforming the new emperor into a responsible ruler, court life and politics prove troublesome as Shuurei faces the challenges of her new life. -- -- Set in a fictional country, Saiunkoku Monogatari centers on the idea of meaningful leadership, its adversities and the rewards that come alongside a prospering nation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 8, 2006 -- 81,169 7.93
Saiunkoku Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari Saiunkoku Monogatari -- Shuurei Kou, the daughter of a noble yet impoverished family, is a clever young lady who dreams of becoming a government official and contributing toward her country. However, her dream is out of her reach as such a position is forbidden to women. While her father works a low wage job as an archivist at the palace, Shuurei has to juggle odd jobs to make ends meet. Then, one day, an unexpected visit changes her life. -- -- Shuurei is called to assist Ryuuki Shi, the new emperor who is known for slacking on his duties and preferring the company of men. Tempted by the generous compensation, she readily accepts the chance to become the young emperor's consort for six months. Luckily, she is not alone as Seiran Shi, her trusty friend, joins her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. While tasked with transforming the new emperor into a responsible ruler, court life and politics prove troublesome as Shuurei faces the challenges of her new life. -- -- Set in a fictional country, Saiunkoku Monogatari centers on the idea of meaningful leadership, its adversities and the rewards that come alongside a prospering nation. -- -- TV - Apr 8, 2006 -- 81,169 7.93
Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Magic Romance Fantasy -- Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu -- Sei, a 20-year-old office worker, is whisked away to a whole new world. Unfortunately for Sei, the ritual that summoned her—meant to produce a "Saint" who would banish the dark magic—brought two people over instead of one. And everyone prefers the second girl over Sei?! But this is just fine by Sei, who leaves the royal palace to set up shop making potions and cosmetics with her newfound magic. Business is booming, and this might not be such a bad life, after long as her supposed Sainthood doesn't come back to haunt her. -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 50,376 7.16
Tong Ling Fei -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 16 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Drama Romance -- Tong Ling Fei Tong Ling Fei -- When Qian Yunshang's marriage to Ye Youming is arranged by the emperor, she is terrified that the bad blood between their families will lead to her being treated miserably in the Ye household. Torn between duty and concern for his daughter, Qian Aotian devises a reckless plan. He summons his firstborn daughter—her existence unknown to all but his own family—to be the stand-in for her younger sister. -- -- Due to her unusual powers, Qian Yun Xi was exiled by her family when she was a child. Deprived of filial affection, she made a life of her own amid the wilderness on Mt. Ling Yun. However, everything begins to change when she marries Ye Youming in her sister's stead. -- -- Harboring immense contempt for the family of Qian, Ye Youming refuses to acknowledge Qian Yun Xi as his wife and treats her coldly, going so far as to banish her from his palace grounds. But he can only resist her childlike charm and boldness for so long... -- -- ONA - Nov 30, 2018 -- 20,014 7.71
Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen -- The year is 2203, not long after the Bolar Federation was defeated by Desslok's Galman-Gamilon Empire. A subspace dimensional dislocation has caused a distant Red Galaxy to be relocated in a collision course with the Milky Way. Stars and planets collide, making a wreck of the Galman-Gamilon homeworld. The Star Force is dispatched to investigate. They reach Galmania to find Desslok's palace in ruins. -- -- As they pay their respects, tossing white roses down to the surface of the planet, a huge red planet crashes into Galmania, forcing to StarForce to escape with an immediate and uncalculated warp. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 19, 1983 -- 3,236 6.90"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)_in_M's_Palace_in_Birgu"La_Vie_de_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace),_ROMANIA._Mogosoaia_Palace_._Bride_among_the_roses_(2018).jpg,_ROMANIA._Mogosoaia_Palace_._Bride_preparing_the_photo.jpg,_ROMANIA._Mogosoaia_Palace_kichenhouse._Bride_before_the_wedding._(2018).jpg,_London_-_April_2009.jpg,_Heijo_palace,_with_Black_Tortoise.jpg!!_Kitchen_Garden_fountain_sculpture_as_part_of_San_Anton_Palace.jpg,_London_-_Feb_2007.jpg!!_The_Lady_fountain_at_San_Anton_Palace.jpg"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)_in_M"La_Vie_de_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace),_Baku,_night-2.jpg"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)_in_M"La_Vie_de_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)_in_M"La_Vie_de_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace),_Baku,_night-2.jpg"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)+in+M"La+Vie+de+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)+in+M"La+Vie+de+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)"Histoire_du_fort_roy_Clovis"_(tapestries_in_Tau_palace)"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)"Histoire+du+fort+roy+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)+in+M"La+Vie+de+Clovis"+(tapestries+in+Tau+palace)
1903 ball in the Winter Palace
1909 Crystal Palace Scout Rally
1924 Palace Law of Succession
1962 South Vietnamese Independence Palace bombing
1981 Caesars Palace Grand Prix
1982 Caesars Palace Grand Prix
2008 occupation of Iolani Palace
2009 auction of Old Summer Palace bronze heads
2015 Park Palace guesthouse attack
Abbot's Palace (Oliwa)
Abdeen Palace
Abdeen Palace incident of 1942
Abramaviiai Palace
Academy Palace
Addington Palace
Adile Sultan Palace
Administrative Palace, Satu Mare
Aega (mayor of the palace)
Ahmed Bey Palace
Akasaka Palace
Ak Orda Presidential Palace
Akzholtay Sports Palace
Albrechtsberg Palace (Dresden)
Alcaraz Palace
Alexander Hall of the Winter Palace
Alexander Palace
Alexander Palace (Faberg egg)
Alexandra Palace
Alexis Palace
Al-Faw Palace
Al-Gawhara Palace
Al-Qudaibiya Palace
Al-Sakhir Palace
Amar Mahal Palace
Amir Alin Aq Palace
Amir Taz Palace
Amusement Palace
Anand Bagh Palace
Andafiavaratra Palace
Ankara Ice Skating Palace
A Palace for Sale
Apethorpe Palace
Apostolic Palace
Aquapalace Prague
Aquatic Palace
Arabian Hall of the Winter Palace
Arbob Cultural Palace, Khujand
Archbishop's Palace
Archbishop's Palace, Armagh
Archbishop's Palace (Naples)
Archbishop's Palace of Lima
Archbishop's Palace of Toledo
Archbishop's Palace, Uppsala
Archbishop's Palace, York
Archiepiscopal Palace of Alcal de Henares
Arkhangelskoye Palace
Armorial Hall of the Winter Palace
Art Palace of Georgia - Museum of Cultural History
Artuklu Palace
Asllan Rusi Sports Palace
Asman Garh Palace
As-Salam Palace
As the Palaces Burn
Astoria Palace Hotel
Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest
Augustenborg Palace
Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces, Brhl
Aul Palace
Azm Palace
Azm Palace (Hama)
Babelsberg Palace
Babolovo Palace
Badrutt's Palace Hotel
Bakhchisaray Palace
Baku Sports Palace
Balchik Palace
Baluan Sholak Sports Palace
Bandinelli Palace
Bangalore Palace
Bang Khun Phrom Palace
Bang Pa-In Royal Palace
Banya Palace
Baron Empain Palace
Barzan Palace
Basheer Bagh Palace
Basilica organ of Mafra Palace
Battle of Dasman Palace
Battle of the Palaces
Beau-Rivage Palace
Beau-Sjour Palace
Beauty's Rival in Palace
Behistun Palace
Beiteddine Palace
Belbeisi palace
Belm Palace
Bellevue Palace
Bellevue Palace (Germany)
Belmond Reid's Palace
Belvedere Palace Chapel
Beni Suef Cultural Palace fire
Benjamn Carrin Palace
Berdn Palace
Bergzabern Palace
Berlin Palace
Bernstorff Palace
Beshtak Palace
Bettencourt Palace
Biayce Palace
Bieberstein Palace, Hesse
Biebrich Palace
Bieganowo Palace
Bieliski Palace, Otwock Wielki
Brii Palace
Birkdale Palace Hotel
Biscay Foral Delegation Palace
Bishop's Palace
Bishop's Palace, Ely
Bishop's Palace, Galveston
Bishop's Palace, Krakw
Bishop's Palace, Wells
Bishopthorpe Palace
Blank Palace
Blenheim Palace
Blooded Palace: The War of Flowers
Blue Palace
Bobrinsky Palace
Bogor Palace
Bolgrad palace bombing
Bonde Palace
Bone Palace Ballet
Bo Palace
Boris Alexandrov Sports Palace
Borsig Palace
Boukoleon Palace
Branicki Palace
Branicki Palace, Biaystok
Branicki Palace, Warsaw
Brejoeira Palace
Bridewell Palace
Brighton & Hove Albion F.C.Crystal Palace F.C. rivalry
Brighton Palace Pier
Brokedown Palace
Brokedown Palace: Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Brown Palace Hotel
Brown Palace Hotel (Denver)
Bruchsal Palace
Brhl palace
Brhl Palace, Warsaw
Brunswick Palace
Buaco Palace
Bucharest Telephone Palace
Buckingham Palace
Buck Owens Crystal Palace
Budapest's Palace District
Buenos Aires City Legislature Palace
Buen Retiro Palace
Bukovac Palace
Bunker Palace Htel
Buraphaphirom Palace
Buton Palace Fortress
Bostovskiai Palace
Cadillac Palace Theatre
Caesar Palace
Caesars Palace
Caesars Palace 2000
Caesars Palace Grand Prix
Camposagrado Palace (Avils)
Cantacuzino Palace
Caravan Palace
Carli Palace of Verona
Carloman (mayor of the palace)
Carondelet Palace
Carrancas Palace
Cashel Palace Hotel
Castle of Zahara de los Atunes and Palace of Jadraza
Castril Palace
Catete Palace
Catherine Palace
Catherine Palace (Moscow)
Cellars of Diocletian's Palace
Ceremonial Palace of Georgia
Cetinje Royal Palace
Cham Palaces and Hotels
Charlottenhof Palace
Charlottenlund Palace
Chigi Palace
Childers Palace Backpackers Hostel fire
Children's Palace
Children's Party at the Palace
Chi Ming Palace
Chinese palace
Chodkeviiai Palace
Chokkanatha Nayak Palace
Chowmahalla Palace
Christiansborg Palace
Chwalibogowo Palace
Cide Palace
Cide Palace (Zuoying District, Kaohsiung)
Cinema Le Palace
Cipanas Palace
raan Palace
Crava Palace
City of Palaces
City Palace
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Potsdam
City Palace, Udaipur
Clam-Gallas Palace
Clarendon Palace
Clemenswerth Palace
Cluj-Napoca Bnffy Palace
Coffee palace
Commander's Palace
Conceio Palace, Ponta Delgada
Condes de Argillo Palace
Connor Palace
Conquest of the Crystal Palace
Cooch Behar Palace
Copacabana Palace
Copacabana Palace (film)
Copper-Roof Palace
Corn Palace
Cotroceni Palace
Cow Palace
Creulescu Palace
Cross in front of the Presidential Palace, Warsaw
Crown palaces in Sweden
Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood (ward)
Crystal Palace Baltimore
Crystal Palace Bowl
Crystal Palace circuit
Crystal Palace Dinosaurs
Crystal Palace F.C.
Crystal Palace F.C. (1861)
Crystal Palace F.C. (Women)
Crystal Palace Glaziers
Crystal Palace line
Crystal Palace (Ljubljana)
Crystal Palace, London
Crystal Palace (Montreal)
Crystal Palace National Sports Centre
Cuba Palace
Cultural Palace of Nationalities
Culture Palace of Abidjan
Cybele Palace
Czartoryski Palace
Czartoryski Palace (Puawy)
Czartoryski Palace (Vienna)
Czernin Palace
Dadiani Palace
Dalat Palace Hotel
Dalkeith Palace
Daming Palace
Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces
Danish palaces
Danish Palaces (Faberg egg)
Danube Palace
Dargun Palace
Darul Aman Palace
Datia Palace
Debbane Palace
Dechencholing Palace
Deeg Palace
Devoto Palace
Dhenkanal Palace
Daz Inguanzo Palace
Dietel Palace
Diggi Palace
Diocletian's Palace
Dionigi da Palacenza Carli
Doge's Palace
Doge's Palace, Genoa
Dolmabahe Palace
Don Chan Palace
Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond
Doublemeat Palace
Draft:Berbie Palace
Dragonara Palace
Dragon Palace Temple
Drogo (mayor of the palace)
Drottningholm Palace Theatre
Dubara Palace
Ducal Palace
Ducal Palace, Lucca
Ducal Palace, Mantua
Ducal Palace of Colorno
Ducal Palace of Gandia
Ducal Palace of Guastalla
Ducal Palace of Lerma
Ducal Palace of Modena
Ducal Palace of Pastrana
Ducal Palace of Sassuolo
Ducal Palace of Vila Viosa
Ducal Palace, Urbino
Dulber Palace
Dunerski Palace (elarevo)
Dunfermline Palace
Dusit Palace
Dynamo Sports Palace
Dziayski Palace
Dzieduszycki Palace
Earl's Palace
Earl's Palace, Birsay
Earl's Palace, Kirkwall
East Azerbaijan Governance Palace
East Palace, West Palace
Eggenberg Palace, Graz
Egmont Palace
Ehrenburg Palace
El Badi Palace
Electoral Palace
Electoral Palace, Amberg
Electoral Palace, Bonn
Electoral Palace, Koblenz
Electoral Palace, Mainz
Electoral Palace, Trier
Electric Palace Cinema, Harwich
Elektrnai Ice Palace
Elisabethenburg Palace
El Mechouar Palace
El Menzah Sports Palace
Elsyng Palace
Eltham Palace
lyse Palace
milie Palace
Emirates Palace
Empire Palace
Empresses in the Palace
Enregistrement public au Thtre Le Palace
Epang Palace
Episcopal Palace
Episcopal Palace, Angra do Herosmo
Episcopal Palace, Astorga
Episcopal Palace, Braga
Episcopal Palace, Cordoba
Episcopal Palace, Fiesole
Episcopal palace, Oradea
Episcopal Palace, Porto
Episcopal Palace, Siena
Episcopal Palace, Strasbourg
Episcopal Summer Palace, Bratislava
Erbach Palace
Ericsberg Palace
Escher in the Palace
Estaus Palace
Esterhzy Palace (Bratislava)
Estvez Palace
Everyman Palace Theatre
Fairmont Le Montreux Palace
Fakhreddine Palace
Falaknuma Palace
Falkland Palace
Falkland Palace Royal Tennis Club
Farm Palace
Fatimid Great Palaces
Federal Coffee Palace
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Feriye Palace
Fernndez Anchorena Palace
Fetternear Palace
Field Marshals' Hall of the Winter Palace
Filburn v People's Palace and Aquarium Co Ltd
Finance Palace
Finckenstein Palace
Firoz Shah Palace Complex
Fishbourne Roman Palace
Flags at Buckingham Palace
Flavian Palace
Floridan Palace Hotel
Foundation for the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace
Fredensborg Palace
Frederick Francis Woodland Palace
Frederiksberg Palace
Friedenstein Palace
From tha Chuuuch to da Palace
Front Palace
Front Palace (Bangkok)
Front Palace Crisis
Fukuoka Sunpalace
Fulham Palace
Frstenried Palace
Gajapati Palace
Ganquan Palace
Garden at Buckingham Palace
Garden Palace
Gatchina Palace
Gatchina Palace (Faberg egg)
Georgian National Youth Palace
Ghumdan Palace
Gia Long Palace
Gin palace
Glass Palace
Gogo (mayor of the palace)
Golden Palace
Goldstein Palace
Golestan Palace
Gomel Palace
Gorbunov Palace of Culture
Gorkha Palace
Gottifredo Palace
Government Museum (Shivappa Nayaka Palace), Shimoga
Government Palace
Government Palace (Finland)
Government Palace (Mongolia)
Government Palace (Peru)
Governor's Palace
Governor's Palace, Asmara
Governor's Palace, Chandigarh
Govindgarh Palace
Goyeneche Palace
Goyeneche Palace, Arequipa
Goyeneche Palace, Illana
Goyeneche Palace, Nuevo Baztn
Grand Central Palace
Grand Church of the Winter Palace
Grand Ducal Palace, Luxembourg
Grand Kremlin Palace
Grand marshal of the palace
Grand Master's Palace
Grandmaster's Palace (Valletta)
Grand Palace
Grassalkovich Palace
Grsten Palace
Great Palace Mosaic Museum
Great Palace of Constantinople
Gresham Palace
Grosvenor Picture Palace
Gunner Palace
Gustavo Capanema Palace
Gstrow Palace
Habsburg Palace, Cieszyn
Haga Palace
Hamilton Palace
Hamou Boutllis Sports Palace
Hampton Court Palace
Harris City Academy Crystal Palace
Hasani Palace
Hasmonean royal winter palaces
Havana Presidential Palace attack (1957)
Hayreddin Palace
Hazarduari Palace
Heian Palace
Heij Palace
Heliopolis Palace
Hellbrunn Palace
Herod's Palace
Herod's Palace (Herodium)
Herod's Palace (Jerusalem)
Herrenhausen Palace
Het Loo Palace
Heydar Aliyev Palace
High Constables and Guard of Honour of the Palace of Holyroodhouse
Hill Fort Palace
Hill Palace, Tripunithura
Hilton Beirut Metropolitan Palace
Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace
Hirschholm Palace
Hisham's Palace
Historic Royal Palaces
History of the Palace of Versailles
Holnstein Palace
Holyrood Palace
Hong Kong Palace Museum
Hotel Mariador Palace
HSC Santorini Palace
Hulihee Palace
Huzoor Palace
Ibrahim Pasha Palace
Iceberg Skating Palace
Ice Palace
Ice palace
Ice Palace (Saint Petersburg)
Imperial palace
Imperial Palace, Gelnhausen
Imperial Palace, Ingelheim
Imperial Palace (novel)
Imperial Palace of Goslar
Independence Palace
Independence Palace, Minsk
Inquisitor's Palace
Iolani Palace
Ishak Pasha Palace
Ismailiyya Palace
Israt Manzil Palace
Istanbul alayan Justice Palace
Itamaraty Palace
Izrael Poznaski Palace
Jabiru's Palace
Jabonna Palace
Jabonowski Palace
Jacir Palace
Jade Buddha Palace
Jaganmohan Palace
Jamai Palace
Janasz Palace
Jazeera Palace Hotel bombing
Jelgava Palace
Jerma Palace Hotel
Jingjiang Princes' Palace
Jinjira Palace
Johann Plffy Palace
John of Gaunt's Palace, Lincoln
Jordan Staircase of the Winter Palace
Kadriorg Palace
Kaliadeh Palace
Kamenny Island Palace
bkowicki Palace
Kamlapati Palace
Kanbawzathadi Palace
Kangla Palace
Karlberg Palace
Karlsruhe Palace
Karta Palace
Kazakhstan Sports Palace
Kazdanga Palace
Kazimierz Palace
Keglevich Palace
Kempinski Palace Portoro
Kensington Palace Gardens
Khairy Pasha Palace
Kham Yat Palace
Khaplu Palace
Kharitonov Palace
Khedive's Palace
Khuld Palace
Kilimanoor Palace
King John's Palace
King John III Palace Museum, Wilanw
King Kothi Palace
King Narai's Palace
Kinsk Palace
Kinsk Palace (Prague)
Klai Kangwon Palace
Klov Palace
Klungkung Palace
Kneuterdijk Palace
Kollengode Palace
Kpenick Palace
Korean palace
Korniakt Palace
Kowdiar Palace
Koyikkal Palace
Kozwka Palace
Krasiski Palace
Krslava New Palace
Krslava Old Palace
Kristineberg Palace
Krylatskoye Sports Palace
Krzysztofory Palace Museum
Kubadabad Palace
Kumsusan Palace of the Sun
Kung Fu Palace
Kurozwki Palace
Kuttalam Palace
Kuznetsk Metallurgists Sports Palace
Kydon Palace
Kyoto Imperial Palace
Lady of the Palace (film)
Lake Palace
Lalgarh Palace
Lambeth Palace
La Moneda Palace
La Moneda Palace Guard
Lateran Palace
Laurier Palace Theatre fire
Lausanne Palace
Laxmi Vilas Palace, Vadodara
Lazarraga Palace
Ledra Palace Hotel
Lee's Palace
Lee San, Wind of the Palace
Legislative Palace of San Lzaro
Legislative Palace of Uruguay
Le Louvre: The Palace & Its Paintings
Le Palace
Liechtenstein Palace (Malostransk nmst, Prague)
Linderhof Palace
Liria Palace
List of castles and palaces in Denmark
List of castles and palaces in Jelenia Gra valley
List of castles and palaces in Lower Saxony
List of castles and palaces in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
List of castles and palaces in Saarland
List of castles and palaces in Sweden
List of Crystal Palace F.C. managers
List of Crystal Palace F.C. players
List of films shot at the Palace of Versailles
List of most visited palaces and monuments
List of palaces
List of palaces and manor houses in Estonia
List of palaces and mansions in Hungary
List of palaces in Bratislava
List of palaces in Egypt
List of palaces in Italy
List of palaces in Rajasthan
List of palaces in Venice
List of presidential palaces in Indonesia
List of royal palaces
List of works of art at Hampton Court Palace
Livadia Palace
Live! at Caesar's Palace
Live at Caesars Palace
Live at Perkins' Palace
Live at the Cow Palace
Live at the Palace
Live at the Palace 2008
Live at the Palace Theatre
Live from the Crystal Palace
Live in San Francisco at the Palace of Fine Arts
Liverpool 90 Crystal Palace (1989)
Liza's at The Palace....
Llano Ponte Palace
Lobanov-Rostovsky Palace
Lobkowicz Palace
Lokomotyv Sports Palace
Longoria Palace
Lotte New York Palace Hotel
Louvre Palace
Lubomirski Palace
Ludwigsburg Palace
Ludwigslust Palace
Luis Puig Palace
Luxembourg Palace
Luzhniki Palace of Sports
Madhab Palace
Maimun Palace
Makedonia Palace
Malacaang Palace
Maa Wie Palace
Malwala Palace
Mandalay Palace
Mandarin Oriental Palace, Luzern
Mangyongdae Children's Palace
Manhyia Palace Museum
Manial Palace and Museum
Mannheim Palace
Marble Palace (disambiguation)
Marble Palace (Kolkata)
Marble Palace (Tehran)
Marble Palace Zoo
Mardan Palace
Mariinsky Palace
Marselisborg Palace
Massandra Palace
Matchstick Palace
Mateus Palace
Matiabag Palace
Mattancherry Palace
Mayer Palace
Mayorazgo Palace
Mayor of the Palace
Mayurbhanj Palace
Mazda Palace
Mediterranean Sports Palace
Megasport Sport Palace
Melaka Sultanate Palace Museum
Mendel Palace
Menelik Palace
Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg)
Merdeka Palace
Mribel Ice Palace
Merkheuli Palace
Mestika Palace
Meteor Palace of Sports
Metropolitan Palace, Lviv
Metropol Palace Hotel Belgrade
Meotne Palace
Michler's Palace
Mikhailovsky Palace
Military Gallery of the Winter Palace
Ming Palace
Minor Radvilos Palace
Minsk Sports Palace
Mirabell Palace
Miraflores Palace
Miramar Palace
Mirbach Palace
Mnebhi Palace
Mogooaia Palace
Mohatta Palace
Moika Palace
Monbijou Palace
Monrepos Palace
Monserrate Palace
Monsoon Palace
Montaza Palace
Moon Palace (disambiguation)
Morzin Palace
Morzin Palace, Doln Lukavice
Moti Bagh Palace
Movie palace
Mrigadayavan Palace
MS Zeus Palace
Mukden Palace
Municipal Palace
Museum of the Imperial Palace of Manchukuo
Museum of the Radvilas Palace, Vilnius
Mylewicki Palace
Mysore Palace
Mystki Palace
Nagyttny Palace
Nalknad Palace
Narayanhiti Palace
Nargona Palace
National Palace
National Palace (Guatemala)
National Palace (Haiti)
National Palace (Mexico)
National Palace Museum
National Palace of Culture
Necessidades Palace
Neumann Palace
Neupauer-Breuner Palace
Neva Enfilade of the Winter Palace
Newcastle United F.C. 01 Crystal Palace F.C. (1907)
New Michael Palace
New Palace
New Palace, Kolhapur
New Palace (Potsdam)
New Palace (Stuttgart)
New York Palace
New York Palace, Budapest
Nicholas Palace
Nieborw Palace
Nizam Palace (Kolkata)
No Balance Palace
Noblesse Palace
Nonsuch Palace
Noordeinde Palace
Noor Palace
Nwa Palace
Nymphenburg Palace
Nymphenburg Palace Park
Oatlands Palace
October Palace
Odense Palace
Ofori Panin Fie (Okyenhene's Palace)
Oguzhan Presidential Palace
Oink's Pink Palace
Old Amiri Palace
Old Bishop's Palace in Oslo
Old Kaunas Ducal Palace
Old Palace
Old Palace Yard
Old Palace (York)
Old Summer Palace
Olympic Palace
miya Palace
On the Way Down from the Moon Palace
Orangery Palace
Oranienburg Palace
Oru Palace
Ostrogski Palace
Ostrowo Szlacheckie Palace
Ottoman palaces in Istanbul
Otto (mayor of the palace)
Pac Palace
Pact of the Vidoni Palace
Pagaruyung Palace
Palace Albanija
Palace at 4 A.M. (disambiguation)
Palace Barracks
Palace Bingo and Casino
Palace Bridge
Palace Cave
Palace Cinemas (Australia)
Palace Cinemas (Central Europe)
Palace (disambiguation)
Palace Dog
Palace Embankment
Palace Entertainment
Palacegarden Malachy
Palace Hotel
Palace Hotel, Bristol
Palace Hotel (film)
Palace Hotel (Gallup, New Mexico)
Palace Hotel (Houston)
Palace Hotel (Missoula, Montana)
Palace Hotel, Perth
Palace Hotel Residential Tower
Palace House
Palace II
Palace II (building)
Palace lantern
Palace Law
Palace letters
Palace Library
Palace Modello
Palace Moravia
Palace Museum
Palace of Aachen
Palace of Ajuda
Palace of Altamira (Madrid)
Palace of Antiochos
Palace of Antonio de Mendoza
Palace of Ardashir
Palace of Assembly, Chandigarh
Palace of Augustin
Palace of Bauer
Palace of Beaulieu
Palace of Bertemati, Jerez de la Frontera
Palace of Bishops of Krakw
Palace of Blachernae
Palace of Canto del Pico
Palace of Capodimonte
Palace of Castel Gandolfo
Palace of Cerro Castillo
Palace of Charles V
Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (Rostov-on-Don)
Palace of Cienfuegos de Pealba
Palace of Condes de Cirat (Almansa)
Palace of Congresses
Palace of Correio-Mor
Palace of Corts, Cuernavaca
Palace of Culture
Palace of Culture and Science
Palace of Culture (Iai)
Palace of Culture (Messina)
Palace of Culture named after Maxim Gorky, Novosibirsk
Palace of Culture of Tirana
Palace of Culture (Trgu Mure)
Palace of Daphne
Palace of Darius in Susa
Palace of Depression
Palace of Desire
Palace of Desire (TV series)
Palace of Duques de Pastrana
Palace of Earthly Tranquility
Palace of Europe
Palace of Facets
Palace of Fine Arts
Palace of Florence Apartments
Palace of Fontainebleau
Palace of Geguti
Palace of Gold
Palace of Happiness
Palace of Heavenly Purity
Palace of Independence
Palace of Independence (Nur-Sultan)
Palace of Infante don Luis (Boadilla del Monte)
Palace of Inquisition
Palace of Justice
Palace of Justice Antwerp
Palace of Justice, Bucharest
Palace of Justice, Lima
Palace of Justice, Nuremberg
Palace of Justice of the Argentine Nation
Palace of Justice, Pretoria
Palace of Justice, Putrajaya
Palace of Justice, Riga
Palace of Justice, Rome
Palace of Justice (Rosario)
Palace of Justice siege
Palace of Justice, Vienna
Palace of Khudyr Khn
Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid
Palace of Laeken
Palace of la Espriella en Villahormes
Palace of Laredo
Palace of Laughter
Palace of Lausus
Palace of Linares
Palace of los Condes de Gmara
Palace of los Ros y Salcedo
Palace of Maffei Marescotti
Palace of Mafra
Palace of Magic
Palace of Marivent
Palace of Marqus de Grimaldi
Palace of marqus de Miraflores
Palace of Mirrors
Palace of Moncloa
Palace of Monimail
Palace of Music
Palace of Nations
Palace of Nations, Dushanbe
Palace of Nestor
Palace of Nowe Miasto nad Pilic
Palace of Parcent
Palace of Peace and Reconciliation
Palace of Placentia
Palace of Poitiers
Palace of Portici
Palace of Queen Arwa
Palace of Queluz
Palace of Rokan Hulu
Palace of Santoa (Madrid)
Palace of So Joo Novo
Palace of Serbia
Palace of Spain
Palace of Sporting Games
Palace of Sports
Palace of Sports, Kyiv
Palace of St. Michael and St. George
Palace of Tau
Palace of the Argentine National Congress
Palace of the Babies
Palace of the Bank of Italy (Naples)
Palace of the Borgias
Palace of the Dukes of Alba
Palace of the Dukes of Braganza
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy
Palace of the Dukes of Cadaval
Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine
Palace of the Dukes of Medinaceli (Cogolludo)
Palace of the Fans
Palace of the Four Winds
Palace of the Golden Gate
Palace of the Governor of Khulbuk
Palace of the Governors
Palace of the Governors (Togo)
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes
Palace of the Holy Office
Palace of the Immacolatella, Naples
Palace of the Inquisition
Palace of the Kings of Majorca
Palace of the Kings of Navarre, Estella
Palace of the Kings of Navarre of Olite
Palace of the Krakw Bishops in Kielce
Palace of the Lions
Palace of the Marqus de Dos Aguas
Palace of the Marqus del Apartado
Palace of the Marquises of Fronteira
Palace of the Marquis of Molins
Palace of the National Military Circle
Palace of Theodoric
Palace of the Parliament
Palace of the Patriarchate
Palace of the Peacock
Palace of the Popes
Palace of the Popes in Viterbo
Palace of the Porphyrogenitus
Palace of the Red Sun
Palace of the Republic
Palace of the Republic, Berlin
Palace of the Republic, Minsk
Palace of the Shirvanshahs
Palace of the Silver Princess
Palace of the Soviets
Palace of the White Skunks
Palace of Tranquil Longevity
Palace of Unity
Palace of Venaria
Palace of Versailles
Palace of Versailles Research Centre
Palace of Viceroy Laserna
Palace of Villahermosa
Palace of Villamejor
Palace of Westminster
Palace of Whitehall
Palace of Yashbak
Palace of Youth and Sports
Palace of Zarzuela
Palace on the Isle
Palace on Wheels
Palace Park
Palace plot of Renyin year
Palace "Ukraine"
Palaces and park ensemble in Ostromecko
Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin
Palace Software
Palace Sports and Entertainment
Palace Springs
Palace Square
Palace Staufeneck
Palace Super Falcons Women's Academy
Palacete de Belomonte
Palacete do Pilar
Palacete Los Moreau
Palacete Mayer
Palacete of the Visconts of Balsemo
Palace Theater (Crossville, Tennessee)
Palace Theater (Gary, Indiana)
Palace Theater (Hilo, Hawaii)
Palace Theatre
Palace Theatre (Albany, New York)
Palace Theatre (Canton, Ohio)
Palace Theatre (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Palace Theatre (Columbus, Ohio)
Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock
Palace Theatre, London
Palace Theatre (Louisville, Kentucky)
Palace Theatre, Manchester
Palace Theatre (Manchester, New Hampshire)
Palace Theatre, Mansfield
Palace Theatre (Marion, Ohio)
Palace Theatre, Melbourne
Palace Theatre (New York City)
Palace Theatre, Plymouth
Palace Theatre, Redditch
Palace Theatre, Swansea
Palace Theatre (Syracuse, New York)
Palace Theatre, Westcliff-on-Sea
Palace Tomb
Palace (TV series)
Palace Yard
Plffy Palace
Plffy Palace (Bratislava)
Plffy Palace (Zmock Street)
Palmela Palace
Panaca Palace
Party at the Palace
Paruskavan Palace
Pavlovsk Palace
Pawowice (palace)
Paz Palace
Peace Palace
Peace Palace (Cambodia)
Peace Palace Library
Pearl Palace
Peli Palace
Penafiel Palace
Pena Palace
People's Palace
People's Palace, Glasgow
Pera Palace Hotel
Peterhof Palace
Petrovsky Palace
Petschek Palace
Phaya Thai Palace
Picture Palace Films
Pineda Palace
Pink Palace
Pink Palace Museum and Planetarium
Pink Palace (Washington, D.C.)
Pioneers Palace
Placidia Palace
Podmoskovie Ice Palace
Plus Palace Golf Club
Poppelsdorf Palace
Portal:India/SC Summary/SP Mysore Palace
Portrait of a Young Man (Botticelli, Pitti Palace)
Potala Palace
Potocki Palace
Potocki Palace, Lviv
Potocki Palace, Warsaw
Praetorian Palace
Preii Palace
Presidential palace
Presidential Palace, Damascus
Presidential Palace (Guinea)
Presidential Palace, Helsinki
Presidential Palace (Nanjing)
Presidential Palace, Nicosia
Presidential Palace of Cape Verde
Presidential Palace of Honduras
Presidential Palace of Suriname
Presidential Palace, Tirana
Presidential Palace, Vilnius
Presidential Palace, Warsaw
Presidential Palace, Zagreb
Primate's Palace, Bratislava
Primate's Palace, Warsaw
Prince's Palace of Monaco
Prince-Bishops' Palace (Lige)
Private Apartments of the Winter Palace
Privy Garden of the Palace of Whitehall
Project of Filippo Juvarra for the Royal Palace of Lisbon
Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Speck
Pussy Palace Raid
Putin's Palace
Qazim Dervishi Sports Palace
Qun Nga Sports Palace
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Quirinal Palace
Radukeviius Palace
Radwaniyah Palace
Raio Palace
Ramalho Palace
Ram Bagh Palace
Rambagh Palace
Ramon Palace
Ranighat Palace
Ras El Tin Palace
Razumovski Palace (Baturyn)
Razumovski Palace (Hlukhiv)
Rear Palace
Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik
Red Palace and Red Square
Regent Palace Hotel
Rek Palace
Republican Palace
Residential Palace Darmstadt
Rheinsberg Palace
Ribeira Palace
Richmond Palace
Risti Palace
Rose Garden Palace
Rosendal Palace
Rosenstein Palace
Rose Palace
Rosersberg Palace
Rostov-on-Don Palace of Sports
Rotunda of the Winter Palace
Royal Palace (disambiguation)
Royal Palace, Luang Prabang
Royal Palace Museum
Royal Palace of Amsterdam
Royal Palace of Aranjuez
Royal Palace of Brussels
Royal Palace of Bucharest
Royal Palace of Cambodia
Royal Palace of Carditello
Royal Palace of Caserta
Royal Palace of Durrs
Royal Palace of El Pardo
Royal Palace of vora
Royal Palace of Ficuzza
Royal Palace of Gdll
Royal Palace of Kandy
Royal Palace of La Almudaina
Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso
Royal Palace of Madrid
Royal Palace of Mari
Royal Palace of Milan
Royal Palace of Naples
Royal Palace of Oba of Benin
Royal Palace of Riofro
Royal Palace of Turin
Royal Palace of Ugarit
Royal Palace of Valladolid
Royal palace of Werla
Royal Palace, Oslo
Royal Palace, Porto-Novo
Royal Palace, Valencia
Royal Palace, Wrocaw
Rudbri Palace
Ruhyet Palace
Rundle Palace
Ruzhany Palace
Saba' Palace
Sacred Relics (Topkap Palace)
Saffron Palace
Saheb Ettaba Palace
Saigon Governor's Palace
Saint George Palace
Salt Palace
Salt Palace (arena)
Samsung Tower Palace
Samsung Tower Palace 3 Tower G
Sanam Chandra Palace
San Anton Palace
Sndor Palace, Budapest
San Jos palace
San Martn Palace
Sans-Souci Palace
Santa Catarina Palace
Santa Cruz Palace, Madrid
So Bento Palace
Sa Pathum Palace
Sapieha Palace
Sapieha Palace, Lviv
Sapieha Palace, Vilnius
Sapieha Palace, Warsaw
Sarny Palace
Sarvestan Palace
Savoy Palace
Saxon Palace
Scheffler Palace
Schleissheim Palace
Schnborn Palace (Prague)
Schnbrunn Palace
Schnhausen Palace
Schn Palace (Sosnowiec)
Schwetzingen Palace
Seeb Palace
Selmun Palace
Sent Imperial Palace
Seteais Palace
Seton Palace
Sfatul rii Palace
Shabazz Palaces
Shabazz Palaces discography
Shadda Palace
Shakthan Thampuran Palace
Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum
Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metechi Palace
Shervashidze Palace
Shirvanshah's Palace Mausoleum
Shoe Palace Pinkus
Shun Lee Palace
Siak Sri Indrapura Palace
Siege of Sanj Palace
Sintra National Palace
Siruiai Palace
Sivaganga Palace
koda Palace
Slaveks Palace
Slushko Palace
Small Throne Room of the Winter Palace
Snagov Palace
Snpele Palace
Sobaski Palace
Soestdijk Palace
Sofiero Palace
Sofitel Winter Palace Hotel
Solitude Palace
Solliden Palace
Sonning Bishop's Palace
Sorgenfri Palace
Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum
Soviet Wings Sport Palace
Spinola Palace, St Julian's
Spinola Palace, Valletta
Sponza Palace
Sports Palace Auktaitija
Spynie Palace
Sri Moolam Thirunal Palace
Stmeriena Palace
Statue of Margaret Thatcher (Palace of Westminster)
Statue of Queen Victoria, Kensington Palace
Statue of Winston Churchill, Palace of Westminster
St Davids Bishops Palace
Stenhammar Palace
Steninge Palace
St George's Hall and Apollo Room of the Winter Palace
St James's Palace
St James's Palace Stakes
Stockalper Palace
Stockholm Palace
Stoclet Palace
Story of Yanxi Palace
Strmsholm Palace
Suan Pakkad Palace
uazeliai Palace
Subsidiary structures of the Palace of Versailles
Sugar Palace
Sultan's Palace, Zanzibar
Sultan Palace
Summer Palace
Summer Palace (disambiguation)
Summer Palace of Peter the Great
Summer Palace (Rastrelli)
Super Caesars Palace
Supreme Palace enclosure
Sursock Palace
Svartsj Palace
Swine Palace
Syarqiyyah palace
Szki Palace, Cluj-Napoca
Tachi Palace
Tachi Palace Fights 10
Tachi Palace Fights 7
Tachi Palace Fights 8
Tachi Palace Fights 9
Tahra Palace
Tajbeg Palace
Tajhat Palace
Taj Mahal (palace)
Taj Mahal Palace Hotel
Taj Palace
Tales from Jabba's Palace
Tales from the Palaces
Talk:City of Palaces
Tampaksiring Palace
Tamukkam Palace
Tatoi Palace
Tauride Palace
Tbilisi Sports Palace
Tgoborze Palace
Tepper Palace
Tessin Palace
Thanjavur Maratha Palace
The Bingo Palace
The Bombay Jazz Palace
The Burning of Imperial Palace
The Colosseum at Caesars Palace
The Crystal Palace
The Doge's Palace Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore (Claude Monet)
The Dream Palace of the Arabs
The Gilded Palace of Sin
The Glass Palace
The Golden Palace
The Haunted Palace
The Hollywood Palace
The Ice Palace (novel)
The Leela Palace Chennai
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts
The Maid at the Palace
The Oil Palace
The Other Palace
The Palace
The Palace (2011 film)
The Palace (2013 film)
The Palace and the Fortress
The Palace at 4 a.m.
The Palace at Nako
The Palace, Chichester
The Palace (computer program)
The Palace of Angels
The Palace of Auburn Hills
The Palace of Deceit
The Palace of Eternal Life
The Palace of Illusions
The Palace of Laughter
The Palace of Love
The Palace of the Arabian Nights
The Palace of the King of the Birds
The Palace of Truth
The Palace Pier
The Palace Restaurant and Saloon
The Puzzle Palace
The Raj Palace
The Silences of the Palace
The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace
The Storming of the Winter Palace
The Tin Palace
The Westin Palace Madrid
Thonburi Palace
Tianfei Palace (Songjiang)
Tickenhill Palace
Tipu Sultan's Summer Palace
Tikeviiai Palace, Palanga
Tikeviiai Palace (Vilnius)
Tg Palace
Tokyo Imperial Palace
Topkap Palace
Touqan Palace
Tower-palace of Guevara
Trade Union Sport Palace
Triumph Palace
Triumph Sports Palace
Troja Palace
Trump Palace Condominiums
Tryon Palace
Tsaritsyno Palace
Tsuklakhang Palace
Tucumn Government Palace
Tuileries Palace
Tullgarn Palace
Tup Tup Palace
Tuwaiq Palace
Twenty Palaces
Tyres Palace
Tyszkiewicz Palace
Tyzenhaus Palace
Ubud Palace
Udaipur CityMysuru Palace Queen Humsafar Express
Ujjayanta Palace
Ujung Water Palace
Ultimate Picture Palace
Umaid Bhawan Palace
United Palace
Universal Sports Palace Molot
Vaillant Palace
Varakni Palace
Vzquez de Molina Palace
Vrgale Palace
Verkiai Palace
Vice Presidential Palace (Indonesia)
Victoria Palace
Victoria Palace Theatre
Vidago Palace Hotel
Vijaya Vilas Palace
Vileiis Palace
Vilhena Palace
Vilnius Palace of Concerts and Sports
Virreina Palace
Vityaz Ice Palace
Vladimir Palace
Vorontsov Palace
Vorontsov Palace (Alupka)
Vorontsov Palace (Odessa)
Vorontsov Palace (Saint Petersburg)
Vyshnivets Palace
Wallenstein Palace
Watford Palace Theatre
Wgierki Palace
Westminster Palace Gardens
White Hall of the Winter Palace
White Palace
White Palace (Marghazar)
Widow's Palace, Pln
Wiesbaden City Palace
Wilanw Palace
Winchester Palace
Windsor Palace (Bangkok)
Winter Palace
Winter Palace of Prince Eugene
Winter Sports Palace
Wodowice Palace
Woking Palace
World's largest palace
Wrangel Palace
Xi'an Palace
Xiengkeo Palace
Yldz Palace
York House, St James's Palace
Yubileyny Sports Palace
Yungbulakang Palace
Yusupov Palace
Zammitello Palace
Ziade Palace
ofn Palace
Zubovai Palace

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last updated: 2022-02-04 15:57:26
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